1. Loose your hands.2. The birds are loose after a long time."Lose" is used to indicate that something is missing or not found, or that someone has been defeated.1. She lost her phone at the procession.2. Kate loses her trust in Jennie.3. Peter lost his temper after h...
loose lose The Quick Answer Loose (adjective) "not tight" or "not restrained" These trousers areloose. There is a moose on theloose. (This sentence rhymes. Notice how "loose" is pronounced.) Lose (verb) "to misplace" or "to fail to win" ...
Loose vs. Lose: What’s the Difference? The difference between lose and loose is simple, but it doesn’t stop people from mixing them up all the time. The word “loose” is an adjective that means not tight or not held in place firmly. It can also mean not being strictly confined or...
lose为及物动词,表示 失去,丧失,遗失,后接宾语,loose是形容词表示送的,松动的,松开的。两者意义用法有很大区别。
Define lose time. lose time synonyms, lose time pronunciation, lose time translation, English dictionary definition of lose time. to experience loss: lose your keys; lose money Not to be confused with: loose – not tight or bound: loose clothing Abused,
关于lose 的短语搭配: lose oneself 迷路; lose sight of 忽略;不再看见; lose face 丢脸; lose time 耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机; lose money v. 损失金钱; lose oneself in 陶醉于; lose myself vt. 失去自我 扩展资料 lose control 失控 stand to lose 一定失利 , 可能(或一定)失掉 lose ground 退却,...
3. A bad cold had lost me some time. 一场重感冒使我失去了一些时间。 4. 4. We lost a lot of money on that deal. 我们在那笔交易上亏损了许多钱。 不及物动词 1. We lost on that transaction. 我们在那笔交易上赔了钱。 lose 情景对话 ...
If something isloose, it is not properly fixed or held in place...the loose floorboards on the landing. ...a loose tooth.不要混淆lose和loose。lose为动词,表示丢失, 如:I've lost my wallet(我丢了钱包)。lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost。loose则通常作形容词,表示不牢固或没有固定好,如:the...
The meaning of LOSE is to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place. How to use lose in a sentence.
LOSE or LOOSE? This vocabulary lesson is about one of the most common spelling mistakes made by students. Watch this video and you wont go wrong again.