The meaning of LOSE ONE'S WAY is to become confused or uncertain about where one is : to become lost —often used figuratively. How to use lose one's way in a sentence.
The meaning of LOSE is to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place. How to use lose in a sentence.
lose face lose one's credibility. lose heart become discouraged. lose one's mind (or marbles) informal go insane. Usage Do not confuse lose and loose; lose is a verb meaning ‘no longer have’ or ‘become unable to find’ (I need to lose weight), while loose is normally an adjectiv...
<a href="'s)-edge">lose (one's) edge</a> To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. ['s)-edge lose (one's) edge] ...
<a href="'s)-shirt">lose (one's) shirt</a>To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.['s)-shirt lose (one's) shirt]...
Elections have historically generated fresh opportunities for investors, and this one was no exception. Scott WardJan. 31, 2025 8 Highest-Dividend Stocks in the S&P 500 These sometimes troubled blue-chip stocks all yield 6% or more right now. ...
To lose one’s faith — surpass To lose one’s faith — surpass The loss of an Estate — Because Estates can be Replenished — faith cannot — Inherited with Life — Belief — but once — can be — Annihilate a single clause —
Creatine is especially important for high-intensity, powerful bouts of exercise like maximal weightlifting and supramaximal attempts, sprints, and jumping. Creatine’s role in the phosphocreatine energy system — one of your body’s two anaerobic energy systems — is what makes it so important duri...
Iftheoldmaximthatthecustomerisalwaysrightstillhasmeaning,thentheairlinesthatplytheworld’sbusiestairroutebetweenLondonandParishaveaflightontheirhands. TheEurostartrainservicelinkingtheUKandFrenchcapitalsviatheChannelTunneliswinningcustomersinincreasingnumbers.InlateMay,itcarrieditsonemillionthpassenger,havingrunonlyalim...
The meaning of LOSE is to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place. How to use lose in a sentence.