a“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean;if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirty.” “您在人类不能丢失信念。 人类是海洋; 如果海洋的几下落是肮脏的,海洋不变得肮脏”。[translate]
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. 不可对人性失去信心。人性是大海,几滴脏水不会使海洋变脏。“To see the universal and all-pervading spirit of truth face to face one must be able to love...
A people must notlose faithin itself. 一国人民切不可丧失对自己的信心. 互联网 Neverlose faithin yourself. 永远不要对自己失去信心. 互联网 If youlose faithin you. 如果你失去了信念. 互联网 You must notlose faithin humanity. 不要对人性失去信心. ...
(她在经济衰退中失业了。) 3. 失去 “Lose” 还可以表示失去某人或某物,通常指情感或精神上的损失。例如: He lost his wife in a car accident. (他在车祸中失去了妻子。) I lost my faith in humanity. (我失去了对人类的信心。) 4. 减弱、降低 在某些情况下,“lose” 表示某物减弱或降低。例如: ...
She has lost her faith in humanity. (她对人类失去了信心。) 总结来说,lose的主要用法是动词,表示失去、遗失、弄丢、输掉等,而lost的主要用法是形容词,表示失去的、迷失的、找不到的、失败的等。 以下是一些帮助记忆lose和lost区别的提示: Lose以字母e结尾,通常表示失去或输掉。 Lost以字母t结尾,通常表示已...
lose faith in 听听怎么读 英[lu:z feiθ in] 美[luz feθ ɪn] 是什么意思 v. 不再信任; 学习怎么用 双语例句 He lost faith in feudal traditions. 他不再相信封建的老一套了。 Do not lose faith in humanity: think of all the people in the united state who have never play you a single...
You must not lose faith in humanity.───不要对人性失去信心. And if they lose faith, CIT might not have a business worth saving.───而且一旦他们丧失信心,那么CIT也就没有什么业务值得拯救了。 He told us not to lose faith in ourselves.───他让我们不要对自己失去信心. It causes employe...
There are two schools of thought on the concept of the website Yelp. For many, the site is a helpful way to inform consumers about the experiences and products they might be seeking from new ...
Youmustnotlosefaithinhumanity,humanityisanocean;ifafewdropsoftheoceanare dirty; theoceandoesnotbecomedirty. 千万不要失去对人性的信念,人性好象是大海,虽然海洋中会有几滴水是脏的,但整个海洋却是纯洁的.。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Regardlessofanytimenottolosefaithinthemselves. ...