to cause the loss of: The delay lost the battle for them. to let (oneself) go astray, miss the way, etc.: We lost ourselves in the woods. to allow (oneself) to become absorbed or engrossed in something and oblivious to all else: ...
: to suffer loss or disadvantage : fail to advance or improve lose it 1 : to fail to maintain a hold on reality also : to become mentally unsound 2 : to become overwhelmed with strong emotion : to lose one's composure so angry I almost lost it lose one's heart : to fal...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Affect' vs. 'Effect' What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay
Meaning To misplace or not win Act of losing or something that's lost 15 Example I might lose my glasses. The loss of his glasses upset him. 11 Associated Action Action of misplacing or failing Outcome or result of the action 5 Emotional Context To feel defeat Feeling or experience of bei...
verb suffer the loss of a person through death or removal “She lost her husband in the war” “The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her” see more verb place (something) where one cannot find it again synonyms: mislay, misplace see mo...
Do not confuseloseandloose;loseis a verb meaning ‘no longer have’ or ‘become unable to find’ (I need to lose weight), whilelooseis normally an adjective, meaning ‘not firmly fixed in place or tied up’ (a loose tooth). Etymology ...
古英語losian"喪失,毀滅",源自los"毀滅,喪失",源自原始日耳曼語*lausa-(也源自古諾爾斯語los"軍隊的解散"; 古英語forleosan"丟失,毀滅"; 古弗里斯蘭語forliasa; 古撒克遜語farliosan; 中古荷蘭語verliesen; 古高地德語firliosan; 德語verlieren,以及英語-less,loss,loose)。這個日耳曼詞源於 PIE*leus-,是*leu-...
2. "Lost" is the past tense and past participle of "lose," and it can also be an adjective meaning "that which has been lost."3. "Losing" is the present participle of "lose," often used to describe an ongoing process of loss.4. "Loss" is the noun form, referring to...
Define Lose-Lose Situation. Lose-Lose Situation synonyms, Lose-Lose Situation pronunciation, Lose-Lose Situation translation, English dictionary definition of Lose-Lose Situation. Noun 1. no-win situation - a situation in which a favorable outcome is imp
: to suffer loss or disadvantage : fail to advance or improve lose it 1 : to fail to maintain a hold on reality also : to become mentally unsound 2 : to become overwhelmed with strong emotion : to lose one's composure so angry I almost lost it lose one's heart : to fal...