- Juristiction Fix - Sheriff will now also patrol the streets of Davis (Los Santos) Sometimes, FIB Agents are walking around in PIllbox Hill (Downtown Los Santos) near the FIB skyscraper. - Prison busses are also rarely driving between the police stations in Los Santos and the Prison. The...
3. If the lightbar does not seem to be flashing, set the diffuse tint value to <diffuseTint value="0x00FFFFFF" /> in whatever car slot you replaced in vehicles.meta file (You may need to do this for police4, fbi2, and sheriff2). 4. The Ford Explorer has modified properties in ...
安装和运行方式:将下载文件放入游戏根目录,运行RAGEPluginHook.exe(记住要放到根目录,如果报错那就打开游戏后再试),打开游戏,进入游戏后按F4,在弹出的窗口中输入:loadplugin “LSPD First Response.dll” 即可。 http://pan.baidu.com/s/10hXtc skyLSPDFR 7-12 4 lspd即将发布,附上终极宣传片,无需翻墙 ...
安装和运行方式:将下载文件放入游戏根目录,运行RAGEPluginHook.exe(记住要放到根目录,如果报错那就打开游戏后再试),打开游戏,进入游戏后按F4,在弹出的窗口中输入:loadplugin “LSPD First Response.dll” 即可。 http://pan.baidu.com/s/10hXtc skyLSPDFR 7-12 4 lspd即将发布,附上终极宣传片,无需翻墙 ...