对比Los Angeles Unified School District和ChildCare Careers的公司管理层、文化和薪酬评级。 Los Angeles Unified School District ChildCare Careers 4.0 总体评价 3.7 总体评价 4.0 工作/生活的平衡 3.9 工作/生活的平衡 3.9 薪酬和福利 2.9 薪酬和福利
Remarkably, Compton Unified School District appears to have identified a solution. Under the leadership of Darin Brawley, who became superintendent in 2012, the proportion of Compton students choosing STEM careers has soared to 51% from 24% over the last decade, according to district data. This a...
When the Los Angeles Unified School District opened the grades 6 to 12 school in 2011, agriculture was in the curriculum plan, a vestige of the region’s farming past. But the project languished until the arrival of Flores and his teaching partner, Arturo Romo, a...
Jessica Tapia, a former physical education teacher with the Jurupa Unified School District, says that she reached the $360,000 settlement more than a year after she was fired. She says that the entire ordeal began when she posted videos online that were...
Renters with families will be interested to know that public education is provided by the Los Angeles Unified School District. Los Angeles thrives with a dynamic blend of cultural diversity and entertainment options. The city's film and music industries attract dreamers and doers alike, ensuring a...
Santa Ana Unified reaches settlement with Jewish groups over ethnic studies A coalition of Jewish groups reached an agreement with the Santa Ana Unified School District that shelves three ethnic studies classes and sets parameters for how future courses are to be approved by trustees. ...
Under a revised plan, all 650,000 students in the Los Angeles Unified School District would have iPads to use by the end of 2015 rather than the original target date of 2014. Principals and certified teachers at all of district campuses would have the extra time to attend orientation progra...
Provided $200,000 grant to Los Angeles Unified School District East to install science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) labs at six schools in the city of South Gate Sponsor of various youth, government and STEM education programs across Southern California, including multiple Boys ...
LOS ANGELES, CA 90035 Work Here? Claim Your School About Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies... AP Offered Gifted Prog. Offered High School Magnet School Middle School School District Los Angeles Unified School District View Nearby Homes California Los Angeles Los Angeles Center for Enriched ...
Casey Hayward to be Honored by After-School All-Stars Los Angeles Chargers OTA Report: Anthony Lynn Passes Power to the Players Charger Girls to Host Open-Call Audition in Front of Downtown LA Skyline Chargers Invite 14 Non-Roster Invitees to Rookie Minicamp Casey Hayward's Advice to...