A lack of tree cover in low-income areas has left many residents especially vulnerable to rising heat. It’s a legacy of the city’s design—and its history of racist policies.
A Neighborhood-Level Analysis of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments in the State of California and Los Angeles CountyLIHTClow-income housingneighborhoodsBUILT ENVIRONMENTTRANSIT ACCESSOPPORTUNITYPOVERTYCUMMINGS,JEAN,L.WALKABILITYINTEGRATIONSome housing researchers have criticized the United States housing ...
About a year ago, I designed a logo for a company that provided low-cost music and dance classes to low-income communities in Los Angeles. It was a husband/wife team, and I was mostly dealing with the wife, who was incredibly sweet. I quoted her a price via email, which she seemed ...
While populations at risk of homelessness undoubtedly need affordable, secure housing, other forms of assistance may also play a role in preventing homelessness. For example, connecting at-risk populations to CalFresh or Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs could free up ...
Nonprofits allege Los Angeles plan to boost housing development is too weak, illegal Housing nonprofits Yes in My Back Yard and Californians for Homeownership sued the city of Los Angeles on Thursday, alleging its plan to boost homebuilding violates state law. ...
Parks for an aging population: Needs and preferences of low- income seniors in Los Angeles. Journal of the American PlanningLoukaitou-Sideris, A., et al., Parks for an Aging Population: Needs and Preferences of Low-Income Seniors in Los Angeles. Journal of the American Planning Association, ...
As part of the MADRES ongoing pregnancy cohort of predominantly lower-income, Hispanic women in Los Angeles, CA, we examined levels of maternal first trimester urinary As, including total As and As metabolites (inorganic (iAs), monomethylated (MMA) and dimethylated As (DMA)), in relation to...
“Los Angeles is open for business and we are thrilled to be leading the way for the business community to return to downtown Los Angeles after the last two years,” saidJennifer Piepszak, Co-CEO of Chase Consumer and Community Banking.“Our California flagship branch is more than a place...
The future is female.DWCis doing all they can to protect that by specializing in giving aid to homeless or very low-income women in the Downtown Los Angeles and Skid Row communities. And at the center there is housing, private bathrooms, and a health clinic, where they even provide worksh...
Los Angeles (City) Rent Control It regulates how much a landlord can increase a tenant’s rent, and it prohibits eviction of tenants unless the landlord has a just-cause reason under the law to do so. Los Angeles Rent Control Los Angeles (City) Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance ...