Frank Lloyd Wright is said to have quipped, "Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles," a quote that has since been repeated both by those who love and hate L.A.
The community college system consists of nine campuses governed by the trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District: 【参考译文】社区学院系统由洛杉矶社区学院区的董事会管理的九个校区组成: East Los Angeles College (ELAC)[293]【参考译文】东洛杉矶学院(ELAC)[293] Los Angeles City College (...
Los Santos is the primary urban area and the county seat of Los Santos County, located in the southern part of the GTA 5 map. Inspired by Los Angeles, it includes diverse neighborhoods, iconic landmarks, and three incorporated cities (Davis, Rockford Hills, and Del Perro)....
DistrictMulholland DriveBel Air SkycrestBrentwood TerracePorter Ranch New HomesLos Angeles Hotel ResidencesKoreatown CondosWest Hills Luxury HomesWest Hills CondosWest Hills Gated HomesBrock SpringfieldCastle Peak EstatesCountry Hills EstatesEquus EstatesFallbrook PlaceHidden LakeLa VillanuevaLakeside ParkMonte ...
大洛杉矶地区 (英语:Greater Los Angeles Area) 大洛杉矶地区 又称南加州,指的是美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个横跨5个县的大型联合统计区:洛杉矶县(Los Angeles)、橙县(Orange)、圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)、河滨县(Riverside)以及文图拉县(Ventura)。 华人喜爱的置业点在圣盖博谷的东区、西区以及橙县,前两者属于洛...
大洛杉矶地区 (英语:Greater Los Angeles Area) 大洛杉矶地区 又称南加州,指的是美国加利福尼亚州南部的一个横跨5个县的大型联合统计区:洛杉矶县(Los Angeles)、橙县(Orange)、圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)、河滨县(Riverside)以及文图拉县(Ventura)。 华人喜爱的置业点在圣盖博谷的东区、西区以及橙县,前两者属于洛...
Map Search Use our interactive map search tool Home Valuation Get an INSTANT, accurate home valuation WEST LOS ANGELES REAL ESTATE GROUP SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE OCEAN DIRECT ACCESS TO THE MLS Our website features the easiest to use real estate search and being lin...
The Los Angeles Fashion District, previously known as the Garment District, is a business improvement district in, and often cited as a sub-neighborhood of, Downtown Los Angeles.
Category:district or neighborhood of Los Angeles Location:Los Angeles,Southern California,California,United States,North America View on OpenStreetMap Latitude 34.08338° or 34° 5' 0" north Longitude -118.27231° or 118° 16' 20" west ...
West Los AngelesType: Quarter Description: neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States Categories: district or neighborhood of Los Angeles, neighborhood and locality Location: Westside, Los Angeles, Southern California, California, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMap...