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Selling your car has never been easier. Venice Cash for Cars is one of the oldest used car buyers in Los Angeles. We cover all of Los Angeles, Culver City, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, San Fernando Valley. Call (310) 450-0020 for a Quote, 24 hours – 7 day’s a week. Get a ca...
Trump is sentenced to nothing, Los Angeles burns, the Rotherham scandal boils, Biden flips off the nation (twice) before leaving office, Trudeau to go, and Germany starts disarming people who disagree with the government. It’s the Friday LinkSwarm! Obviously Biden felt he hadn’t screwed Ame...
Similarly, the IRS, says Marvin Chotiner, former chief of special procedures for the Los Angeles district’s collection division, “establishes a minimum bid” for everything. If goods seem cheap, they’re also “subject to any encumbrances,” says Chotiner. “We issue no guarantees.” Property...