As his fellow board members slogged through an agenda of zoning cases and planning issues on a recent Thursday, Los Angeles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn sat 6 miles away at a Baptist church listening to a group of black ministers pray for his reelection. Still largely confined to a wheelchai...
A ballot measure aimed at enlarging the pot of money available for homeless services in Los Angeles County was ahead in early returns Tuesday night, while voters were deadlocked on another measure expanding the county Board of Supervisors.
Los Angeles County coroner’s findings in Cole Hartman death June 11, 2017 Hill’s New Harassment Allegations June 8, 2017 Assumed Reagan Knew Funds Were Diverted, North Testifies June 8, 2017 Secret Memo Watergate Panel Told Dual Mitchell Role June 8, 2017 McCarthy hearing June 8, 201...
Die Counties werden von einem Board of Supervisors regiert, der sich in Los Angeles County aus fünf auf jeweils vier Jahre gewählten Volksvertretern zusammensetzt und sowohl exeku- tive als auch legislative Aufgaben übernimmt (Los Angeles County 2006: 9f.). Die Kommunalverfassung der City ...
The move is opposed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors which has asked its lobbyists to work with area legislators to defeat the plan. The exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act would allow him to move ahead with his plans and would rerail efforts by the ...
When he started trying to clean things up, he got immediate pushback from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. They had “no desire whatsoever” to work with him. “They’re not doing anything about it because the homeless industrial complex is alive and well. Look at the career...
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority is an independent, joint powers authority established by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles Mayor, and City Council. LAHSA’s mission is to support, create, and sustain solutions to homelessness in Los Angeles County by p...
LOS ANGELES DUI LAWYER Contact us for a free consultation at the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at310-848-1376. We represent clients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County and throughout the Southern California area. ...
LA city council and the LA County Board of Supervisors this year approved a bill to raise theminimum wageto $15 by 2020, but the measure applies only to Los Angeles city and unincorporated areas, not the other 87 cities in LA county. ...