Los Angeles County has developed this data-driven, multi-layered Geographic Information System (GIS) planning tool to help guide City and County policymakers’ efforts, both at the County and city level, to respond urgently and effectively to homelessness and inform the public and community stakehol...
Residents of Los Angeles elect supervisors for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th supervisorial districts. 【参考译文】洛杉矶的居民为第一、第二、第三和第四监事区选举监事。 联邦和州代表 | Federal and state representation In the California State Assembly, Los Angeles is split between fourteen districts....
The Los Angeles County Charter, which was adopted in 1912, established the five-member Board of Supervisors at a time when the county's population hovered around 500,000. Now, with nearly 10 million residents living in the same area, each supervisor currently represents about...
However, the geographic location of only two out of five Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts is significant in affecting the probability of loans to be prepaid and to be terminated. Keywords: Mortgage Termination, Mortgage Default, Mortgage Prepayment, Geographic LocationJean Loo...
Five gold stars represent the five supervisorial districts. The flag was designed by the County Administrative Office Design Team with input from county leadership, according to a statement from San Bernardino County. "I'm proud of our new county flag and I look forward to see...
LOS ANGELES —Voters this fall will decide whether to expand the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors from five to nine members. Prodded by a termed-out lawmaker in Sacramento threatening to put the issue on the statewide ballot, supervisors reluctantly agreed Tuesday to place the matter befor...
Hernandez, as leader of MALDEF, won a 12-year legal battle with the Los Angeles County Supervisors over redistricting, which led to the election of Gloria Molina as the first Latina supervisor. She’s litigated countless other cases, winning suits preventing the Immigration and Naturalization Serv...
The LA County Board of Supervisors vowed tighten gun control laws in the county. FOX 11's Phil Shuman explains what they are proposing and why some people say it won't make a difference. LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors moved forward with a new ordinance Tuesday ...
1913 -The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Countyopens. It remains the largest museum of its kind in the western United States. 1913 - After a saga of cinematic proportions, the Los Angeles Aqueduct is completed, carrying water from the Owens Valley, about 230 miles north of the city....
pertinent authority is cited for the proposition that the court could not thereafter transfer the cause to another county for the convenience of witnesses. What else could the Sacramento court have done since the only interested parties remaining in the action were residents of Los Angeles County ...