, Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) has launched the Clean Water Works Education Foundation (CWWEF), a new nonprofit (501(c)(3)) entity dedicated to educating the public about the importance of water, sanitation...
The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Sanitation Districts) have played a continuing key role in the development of effective and environmentally sound practices for the management of landfill gas, and for utilizing this gas as a valuable energy resource. Numerous advances in the ...
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Research on achieving Class A material through thermophilic digestion at 55 o C (131 o F) in a continuously fed, single reactor configuration was performed at the Districts = Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (JWPCP) in Carson. Bench-s... MA...
As a result of energy shortages and increased prices for natural gas, the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) instituted a research program in 1972 at the 289 acre Palos Verdes landfill aimed at recovering gas for useful purposes. The Southern California Gas Company indicated an interes...
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is in talks with Los Angeles County sanitation districts about developing what could be one of the largest recycled water programs in the world. In a committee meeting Monday, the agency’s staff presented the framework of a plan to purify an...
Lo, M. PhilipShadler, Linda M.Martyn, Paul C.Proceedings of the Water Environment FederationLo, M.P.; Shadler, L.M.; Martyn, P.C. (2003). Back-to-the-future on pretreatment: The Sanitation District of Los Angeles County's perspective. WEFTEC 2003 Conf. Proc. Water Environment ...
If anybody knows about cleaning up the earth, it’s the sanitation districts of Los Angeles County. At this event you can tour a water reclamation plant, take a train ride that follows the journey of your trash from home to recycling center to landfill, attend gardening and composting worksho...
Other parties in the case--led by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts--had already settled, bringing the total to $136.7 million, plus interest, that will be spent to help repair Southern California’s marine ecosystem. In addition, the companies and local governments agreed to pay a ...
The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Sanitation Districts) requested an archaeological investigation of a portion of the Scholl Canyon Landfill (SCLF) prior to the proposed expansion (Variation 1 and 2). The field survey, as described in this report, evaluated cultural resources in a sm...
With more than 10 million residents, Los Angeles (LA) County is the most populous county in the United States. Its government—which consists of 37 departments; approximately 200 committees and commissions; and more than 500 political districts such as school boards, water districts, and ...