Public relief administration in Los Angeles county. By George W. Bemis. Los Angeles, Bureau of Governmental Research, University of California at Los Angeles (Studies in Local Government No. 1), 1938. 109 pp. mimeodoi:10.1002/ncr.4110271118...
“There are more than 2 million Democratic voters in Los Angeles County alone, more than any other County in California. But only 19% of those Democrats are registered to Vote-by-Mail. The statewide average is actually 39%. This is a problem for Democrats. If we can improve our VBM perc...
SANTA BARBARA —From a large crack on the bottom of the Santa Barbara Channel, about 5 miles off the coastline, a few barrels of oil bubble to the surface each day. The oil slick and the nearby Unocal Corp. drilling platform Alpha are the last visible vestiges of the worst oil spill in...
LOS ANGELES - Karen Bass is expected to be Los Angeles' next mayor, the Associated Press projects. The projected winner's announcement came just after 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, after the latest results from LA County's registrar-recorder's office had Bass holding 53.06% of...
But he’ll be lucky to achieve half the margin he ran up last time around, according to the latest Times statewide poll withUC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies. Advertisement The poll of voters in California, the nation’s largest Democratic stronghold, hi...
Interview: Bob Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies in Los Angeles, discusses various initiatives on ballots this election yearBOB EDWARDS
The experts also cite high-ranking officials in the country’s interior ministry, the governmental body regulating migration and the body regulating nongovernmental organizations. Yader Morazán, an exiled former official of the Nicaraguan judiciary, hailed the report saying ...