the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC); the co-chair and co-founder of the e4 Mobility Alliance, LAEDC; the co-chair of the Alliance of Artists & Recording Companies; and the 2017 "Class Action Attorney of the Year," as selected by the Century City Bar Association...
Office of the City Clerk 200 North Spring St. Room 395, City Hall Los Angeles, CA 90012 The office will accept originals only. Don’t try to fax it or mail in a copy. You can also deliver it in person to that same address anytime between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through ...
City: Los Angeles Building Building Area Building Area: 1409 Square Feet HOA No HOA Lot Information Lot Area: 6146.316 sqft Listing Info Special Conditions: Standard Miscellaneous Mls Number: 24-351819Listing Url Last check for updates: about 18 hours ago ...
Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Locations: AddressCityTelephoneHours (Mon-Fri) 1028 W Avenue J2Lancaster(661) 945-64468:30am-4:30pm 11701 S La Cienega Blvd, 6th FloorLAX Courthouse(310) 727-61428:30am-4:30pm 4716 E Cesar Chavez AveLos Angeles(323) 260-29918:30am-4:...
Home Office Tax Deduction For California Business Owners With millions of Americans forced to work from home during the Coronavirus, you may be wondering if you qualify for a tax break for the home office deduction. If you are self-employed in California or a small business owner, the answer...
The description and property data below may have been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. This single-family home is located at 1105 S La Peer Dr, Los Angeles, CA. 1105 S La Peer Dr is in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood in Los Angeles, CA and in ZIP code ...
The Times’ Los Angeles Superior Court petition cites the California Public Records Act in asking a judge to order the release of all nonexempt documents requested. A representative for the City Attorney’s Office did not immediately reply to a request for comment on the petition brought Monday....
Data from this page are from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s office. The raw data was processed by Los Angeles Times journalists Katie Licari and Aida Ylanan. The records came from two sources. The candidate controlled information, which the candidate directly has access to and are...
The clash comes as the Los Angeles City Council, citing the economic benefits of luring a football franchise back to town, voted unanimously to approve a $1.5 billion plan for a downtown stadium and convention center wing. The city would issue $275 million in bonds to help facilitate the pr...
City: Los Angeles School Information Elementary School: BuchananJr High / Middle School: BurbankHigh School: Franklin Community Community Features: Park, Urban, SidewalksNot Senior Community HOA Association for this Listing: California Regional MLS (Ventura & Pasadena-Foothills AORs)No HOA Lot Informati...