Weather in Los Angeles, California, United StatesCurrent Conditions in Los Angeles 59°F / 15°C Feels like 59.00°F / 15°C Wind: North at 0 mph / 0 km/h Humidity: 25% Pressure: 30 inches / 1016 mb Sunrise: 6:34AM Sunset: 4:45PM Conditions updated at Sat, 23 Nov...
Click here for theCurrent Time in Los Angeles, California, United States Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite! Add California, United States to my favorites! Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Los Angeles, California...
Current local time in USA – California – Los Angeles. Get Los Angeles's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Los Angeles's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Los Angeles California - United States 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 20:5714° Clear AQI 119 Tonight: Clear. Tomorrow: Few Clouds, the temperature is about the same as today(24°),AQI is unhealthy for sensitive groups. 4KM/H ENE 75% Humidity Moderate UV 14° Feels Like 19km ...
Local Weather Report for Los Angeles California, United States Current Los Angeles Weather ConditionsUpdated December 15th at 1:53 pm Temperature:61°FDew Point:45°F Barometer:30.15 inHgWind:N 19 Mph Humidity:55.1%Visibility:0M Los Angeles Weather Forecast Summary ...
View the latest weather forecasts, maps, news and alerts on Yahoo Weather. Find local weather forecasts for Los Angeles, United States throughout the world
The Weather Now in Los Angeles Los Angeles, California, United Statesat 17:48:29 Temperature in Los Angeles right now Clear sky Temperature 26.7°C Feels like 26.27°C Minimum and maximum temperature at the moment 23.47°C – 29.89°C ...
What's the weather like in Los Angeles? Location Long known as the "City of Angels", Los Angeles is a coastal city that is as diverse as the people who live there. Located in California, on the west coast of the United States, Los Angeles hosts nearly 41.4 million visitors each year ...
Weather Alerts-Los Angeles, CA, United States Small Craft Advisory From Thu 15:00 until Sat 03:00 PST Action Recommended Avoid the subject event as per the instructions Issued By Los Angeles - CA, US, National Weather Service Affected Area...
Los Angeles, CA, United States Weather4 Today Hourly 10 Day Radar Los Angeles, CA, United States RADAR MAPOur Cookies. Your Choice. The Weather Channel uses data, cookies and other similar technologies on this browser to optimise our website and provide yo...