Get informed on the latest news and statistics on housing and homelessness in L.A., California, and throughout the U.S.
Effectively tackling LA's homelessness crisis demands a unique response from government, nonprofits, and especially the private sector.
FOX 11’s new documentary, Lost Angeles: City of Homeless, takes a close look at the out-of-control homeless issue in Southern California. IN-DEPTH LOOK AT UNDERSTANDING LA’s HOMELESSYouTube Tips ⓘ Homelessness in Los Angeles in January 2020, estimated at 41,290 people in the City of...
COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Attitudes among People Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles, CA This initiative would not be possible without the support of projects generously funded by the Homelessness Policy Research Institute. Special thanks to the University of California Office of the Presi...
While slightly over 10% of the US population lives in California, over 25% of the nation’s homeless reside in the Golden State, and nowhere is that statistic more visible than in the City of Los Angeles (Howle, 2018). Quantitative data from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAH...
Homeless in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Breakdown: Directed by Brandon James Miller, Dayve Sanz, Matthew Paul Rasmussen. With Chrishelle Buckner, Maya Buckner, Summeray Buckner, Jyeger Chandler. To create awareness about individuals trapped in poverty,
Los Angeles County has developed this data-driven, multi-layered Geographic Information System (GIS) planning tool to help guide City and County policymakers’ efforts, both at the County and city level, to respond urgently and effectively to homelessness and inform the public and community stakehol...
G. (1990). Runaway and homeless youth in Los Angeles County, California. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 11, 159-165.Pennbridge, J. N., Yates, G. L., David, T. G., & Mackenzie, R. G. (1990). Runaway and homeless youth in Los Angeles County, California. Journal of ...
We studied 196 homeless and 194 housed poor families in Los Angeles, California to gain an understanding of events that precipitate family homelessness. Both homeless and housed poor mothers averaged 29 years old and were accompanied by two or three children. Three-fourths of both the homeless an...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The number of homeless people counted across Los Angeles County jumped 12% over the past year to a total of 58,936, with more young and old people and families on the streets.