State:California (CA) Lat/Long:34°03'N / 118°15'W Elevation:92 m Currency:United States Dollar (USD) Languages:English, Spanish Country Code:+1 °C Weather 12 °C Scattered clouds. 22 / 6 °C 星期六 23.16 / 9 °C 星期日 24.17 / 11 °C ...
What Time Is It In Los Angeles, California, United States? 22:23:43 2024年11月21日 Pacific Standard Time (PST) -0800 UTC UTC/GMT is 06:23 on 2024年11月22日 Difference from your location: 16hoursbehindUnknown, China DST Time Zone Map ...
Weather in Los Angeles, California, United StatesCurrent Conditions in Los Angeles 61°F / 16°C Feels like 61.00°F / 16°C Wind: North at 0 mph / 0 km/h Humidity: 90% Pressure: 30 inches / 1016 mb Sunrise: 6:17AM Sunset: 4:56PM Conditions updated at Tue, 05 Nov...
Time Offset: UTC-8 »Los Angeles Time to Local Time Conversion. *:Eastern Standard Timewill be ended at 2:00 AM Mar. 9 2025, turn the clock forward to 3 AM at that time, and beginEastern Daylight Time. • Convert Los Angeles Time to specific time: ...
Los Angeles, CA Explore Map The University of California—Los Angeles, commonly referred to as UCLA, is a public institution that was founded in 1919. It is one of the most applied-to universities in the U.S. Around 70 percent of the university's student body studies at the undergraduate...
Current Local Time in Los Angeles, California, USA 12369 1245781011 Friday, 22 November 2024 Country:United States State:California (CA) Lat/Long:34°03'N / 118°15'W Elevation:92 m Currency:United States Dollar (USD) Languages:English, Spanish Country Code:+1...
Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC - 08:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not in use Los Angeles. Map of location See other cities ofUnited States View travel resources forLos Angeles DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time ...
What time is sunrise and sunset in Los Angeles, CA, United States Today. How long is a day in Los Angeles, CA
目前本地時間 洛杉矶(Los Angeles), 美国(United States) 当地时间 22:04:50, 星期三 08, 七月 2015PDTAM/PM GMT偏移 - 当地时间与GMT的差别 夏令时 夏令时于当地标准时间 星期日, 08 三月 2015, 02:00 开始 夏令时于当地标准时间 星期日, 01 十一月 2015, 02:00 结束 ...
2024洛杉矶 (Los Angeles) 夏令时开始结束时间PST UTC-0800 PDT UTC-0700 PST UTC-0800 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 夏令时开始 洛杉矶在当地时间 2024年03月10日,02:00:00 时钟向前调整 1 小时 变为 2024年03月10日,03:00:00,开始夏令时 夏令时结束 洛杉矶...