Lords of the Fallen - Deluxe Upgrade (Add-On) Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 5.00Average rating 5 stars out of 5 stars from 5 ratings 5 ratings 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% DARK CRUSADER STARTING CLASS - set forth upon your epic journey equipped as one of the renowned Dark Crusad...
名稱: Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Upgrade 類型: 動作, 冒險, 角色扮演 開發人員: HEXWORKS 發行商: CI Games 系列作: Lords of the Fallen 語言: 英文, 法文, 義大利文, 德文, 西班牙文 - 西班牙, 波蘭文, 簡體中文, 日文, 韓文, 葡萄牙文 - 巴西, 繁體中文, 烏克蘭文 此組合包中的遊戲未必都支援...
包含5 件物品:Lords of the Fallen - Artbook,Lords of the Fallen - Dark Crusader Starting Class,Lords of the Fallen - Full Original Soundtrack,Lords of t…显示更多 查看信息 -60% ¥ 338.00 ¥ 135.20 添加至购物车 购买Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Upgrade ...
The Umbral Lamp is one of the most valuable tools in the Lords of the Fallen. It has various applications, like entering the Umbral Realm, clearing certain obstacles, and other combat purposes. Most players need to realize that they can also upgrade this unique item. While in...
Lords of the Fallenammo upgradesare pivotal for those who want to keep their foes at bay and peck away at them with ranged weaponry. There are many enemies in the game that can horde the player, so using a hatchet toss or two to thin the herd is wise. Here’s how to upgrade ammo ...
堕落之主 Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) 全球玩家评价 3.73平均评价3.73颗星(满分5颗星,12087个评价) 12087个评价 47% 20% 11% 7% 16% 《堕落之主》豪华版包含: - 游戏 - 见证广阔世界,一切尽在这款全新黑暗奇幻动作RPG ...
The Lords of the Fallen weapon upgrade system is easy to miss, with the blacksmith Gerlinde fairly well hidden near the end of Pilgrim's Perch, locked in a cage that requires the Prison Cell Key to open. And with no reason to head back to that area it's all too easy to go through...
《Lords of the Fallen》是一款全新的史詩角色扮演遊戲,各地相連的廣闊世界比起初代遊戲大上五倍之多。歷經長期的殘虐暴政,邪神阿迪爾終於落敗。但所謂的神祇……就算殞落也只是一時。千秋萬代過去,如今阿迪爾的復活近在眼前。化身為傳奇黑暗十字軍的一員,踏上穿越生死國度的冒險。這款包山包海的角色扮演遊戲體驗中...
Lords of the Fallenは、原作の5倍の大きさを誇る繋がりあった世界で繰り広げられる、壮大な新作RPGアドベンチャーだ。非情なる独裁を経て、悪魔の神アディールがついに打ち倒された。しかし…神々は永遠に滅んではいなかった。永劫なる時が過ぎた今、アディールの復活が近づいている。壮絶な...
In Lords of the Fallen, Saintly Quintessence is an Upgrade Material that you can use to increase the effect and level of Sanguinarix. With each upgrade of Sanguinarix, the number of charges and HP recovery will increase. In this guide, I will help you find all the Saintly Quintessence in...