堕落之主 Lords of the Fallen (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) 登录后进行评价 全球玩家评价 3.70平均评价3.7颗星(满分5颗星,11325个评价) 11325个评价 46% 20% 11% 7% 17% 《堕落之主》讲述了在相互交织的广袤世界中的一段全新史诗角色扮演冒险之旅,并且将带来远超原版游戏五倍的内容。
While every Rhogar is guaranteed to test your mettle, by far the greatest threat amongst Adyr’s army is posed by his mighty generals, the towering Lords of the Fallen. These calamitous boss battles will test even the most skillful of warriors - one false move and the fate of the world...
Lords of the Fallen: Deluxe Edition 堕落之主:豪华版Lords of the Fallen: Deluxe Edition 2023-10-13 - . -- . - 简介 链接 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - 见证广阔世界,一切尽在全新黑暗奇幻动作 RPG,《堕落之主》。扮演传说中的黑暗远征军,踏上推翻邪神阿迪尔的史诗征程。
在史诗、黑暗奇幻 RPG《Lords of the Fallen》中,进入充满暗影和混沌的广大世界。身为其中一名神话中的黑暗十字军,你必须在推翻邪神阿迪尔的任务中克服两个平行国度的惊骇。 历经了许久的残酷暴政后,邪神阿迪尔终于遭到击败。但神……可是不会永远倒下的。现在,许久以后,阿迪尔准备再次复甦降临至这个世界,而人类唯一...
Lords of the Fallen: Complete Edition 堕落之王:完整版坠落之王数字完整版Lords of the Fallen: Complete Edition 2016-02-16 - . -- . - 0想玩0在玩0玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - 全身心体验坠落之王的数字完整版!掌控远古迷宫的挑战,扩展内容包括新的地点...
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Hey guys, this is my second time going through the game to aim for the platinum and was hoping to finish the DLC on NG+ before killing the final boss again. I seem to be having difficulties mainly with my defense and killing some ghosts. The main ghost I
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《堕落之王》(Lords of the Fallen)是一款即将上市的动作类RPG,由波兰游戏公司CI Games和德国公司deck13联合制作,该作以西方中世纪的幻想世界为背景,在突出动作与RPG要素时也并未忽视战略要素,在游戏中,玩家需要深思熟虑的去战斗,明智地选择自己的行动,并注意进攻和防守的各个环节,最终打倒恶魔Rhogar,不动脑筋的砍...
As detailed in the lengthy report, the company is planning to release a major upcoming game in each of the next three years. This includes the “next major installment” in the Lords of the Fallen series, currently called “Project III”. The ...