Lords of the Fallen has three different endings, and getting them requires far more than just making a decision at the end of the game. Instead, you need to have the ending you want in mind for pretty much your entire playthrough, which can make getting them pretty stressful. Thankfully,...
Lord of the Fallen’stake on an action-RPG sees the protagonist wake up in the realm of the dead the first time they’re defeated by an enemy. That’s one more chance to take them down and eventually find their way back to Axiom, or suffer defeat once more and perish. “Umbral came...
Six months ago, we welcomed you to the daunting dark fantasy world of Mournstead, as we launched our debut game,Lords of the Fallen,on Xbox Series X|S. We wanted to challenge action-RPG fans with a fresh take on the genre and – as one of the first games to be developed in Unreal...
How to beat Pieta in Lords of the Fallen You’ll meet Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal, at the end of the Abandoned Recopse near the entrance to Skyrest Bridge. She has two phases, and most people won’t have too much of an issue getting through the first one. However, she sprouts wi...
Lords of the Fallenammo upgradesare pivotal for those who want to keep their foes at bay and peck away at them with ranged weaponry. There are many enemies in the game that can horde the player, so using a hatchet toss or two to thin the herd is wise. Here’s how to upgrade ammo ...
If you want to know how to get boss weapons and gear in Lords of the Fallen and what do with Remembrances, we have the answers you need.
how to beat them so you can progress through the game. Unfortunately, beating one boss inevitably leads you towards the next challenging foe, so check back here whenever you’re having a hard time. All of these details on the bosses were obtained during ourLords of the Fallen review...
Lords of the Fallen shares both a name and a genre with its 2014 predecessor: it's an action-RPG with plenty of “Soulslike” elements. However, that's where the similarities end. Crafted in the same vein as Dark Souls, Elden Ring and (fellow Soulslike) Remnant II, it ...
Image: Attack of the Fanboy Lords of the Fallen has over 70 spells for players to find throughout the world of Mournestead. These spells fall into three
Beyond and Perfect Dark. Originally called Lords of the Fallen 2, we eventually got Lords of the Fallen in 2023. While that was a bit confusing on its own, we can now look forward to the upcoming PS5 game and upcoming Xbox Series X game Lords of the Fallen 2 (or whatever name it en...