A vast world awaits in all-new, dark fantasy action-RPG, Lords of the Fallen. As one of the fabled Dark Crusaders, embark on an epic quest to overthrow Adyr, the demon God.
Buy Lords of the Fallen on PlayStation Store. An epic, dark fantasy action-RPG set in a vast world of shadow and chaos.
Game and Legal Info Plunge into the new Digital Complete Edition of Lords of the Fallen! Master the Challenge in the Ancient Labyrinth expansion containing a new location, loot and enemies led by a powerful new Lord. Embark on a Monk Decipher Quest, equip powerful Demonic Weapons or armors fr...
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While every Rhogar is guaranteed to test your mettle, by far the greatest threat amongst Adyr’s army is posed by his mighty generals, the towering Lords of the Fallen. These calamitous boss battles will test even the most skillful of warriors - one false move and the fate of the world...
A vast world awaits. Experience fast soulslike combat & epic boss fights in the all-new, dark fantasy action-RPG, Lords of the Fallen.
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Lords of the Fallen (2014) ARS$ 799,00+ Pack de armas demoniacas ARS$ 20,00 Pack corazón de león ARS$ 20,00 Del laberinto antiguo ARS$ 79,80 Descripción En tiempos antiguos, el reino de los hombres estaba regido por Adyr, un terrible y malévolo dios que esclavizaba a la human...