the Wolven Head...26 The Regalia of Achelos...26 The Sceptre of the Ancient Kings...26 The Holy Pendant of Chardastes...27 The Crown of Achelos...27 Bedlam's Hammer...27 The Amulet of Moira the Pure...27 Comet's Edge...28 Adventuring in the Lowlands......
“Of course I blame it on you. I wasn’t going to let my reckless big brother rush off into the wilds without me!” Though Hakan didn’t look back to see it, Natsu pouted playfully at his back- picking on him without remorse. “Can you at least give me a piggyback ride the rest...
They carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon (1Sam 5:2) They carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon (5:2). Whether worshipers of... There was Dagon, ...
As the truce between Good and Evil is formed in order to defeat the common enemy, you must earn the trust of both Empress Gravelyn and King Alteon. Travel to Shadowfall and speak to Gravelyn to start her quests. Recover Sepulchure's Cursed Armor!: You need to join the Chaos Crypt (...