Once you’ve cleared the Inferno ending in Lords of the Fallen, you’ll be able to start a new game or move to new game plus. In either case, you’ll now be able to select the Lord secret class in character creation. Lords of the Fallen Lord secret class starting stats and...
there are variousLords of the Fallen classesto consider when the time comes to dive intoLords of the Fallen character creationin order to have the best experience in Hexwork’s title. But, what separates one of thebest
https://www.nexusmods.com/lordsofthefallen2023/mods/6?tab=files Audio:Other Some sounds only playing in left/right audio channel. E.G voices coming solely from right speaker. Cutscenes only. Graphics:Heavy Artifacts FSR introduces significant artifacting. Performance:Slight Performance Problems Per...
This is why the Cults of the Dragon Below are called “The Cults of the Dragon Below” even though a cult of Dyrrn the Corruptor really has nothing in common with a cult of Sul Khatesh; as far as the common people are concerned, they are cults that worship big evil things, and big...