100 PAGE DIGITAL ARTBOOK - featuring exclusive illustrations, pore over 100 pages of beautifully horrific artwork spanning the world of Lords of the Fallen DIGITAL SOUNDTRACK - lose yourself to the haunting harmonies of Mournstead with the full OST, co
100 PAGE DIGITAL ARTBOOK - featuring exclusive illustrations, pore over 100 pages of beautifully horrific artwork spanning the world of Lords of the Fallen DIGITAL SOUNDTRACK - lose yourself to the haunting harmonies of Mournstead with the full OST, co
Oct 12, 2023 Lords of The Fallen delivers on the macabre, challenge, and exploration hallmarks of the Souls-like genre. It thrives in the eerie shadows of its obvious inspirations and shines a light on its best features by reimplementing most of them with the benefit of the sexy set dres...
Before you start exploring the dual realms of Axiom and Umbral in Lords of the Fallen, you’ll need to overcome an obstacle more challenging than any
October 10, 2023 Prepare to embark on a quest with The Lords of the Fallen Launch Trailer Overthrow the Demon God Adyr when The Lords of the Fallen launches on October 13th. Take a look at the brand new launch trailer while you wait! Not long to go until the rebooted Lords of... ...
Alongside the variousrings inLords of the Fallen,pendants are your other passive charm item that grants your character some unique and useful buffs. Pendants are far more rare than rings but are generally more potent as well. When paired together, though, that’s when you can really start to...
A real-time tactical game from Bungie Studios, Myth: The Fallen Lords is set in a gothic fantasy realm where the nations of men are in danger of being eradicated. With limited numbers and dwindling odds, players must overcome the impossible to defeat...
User Summary Myth: TFL is a unit-level RTS game that takes place in a fantasy medieval setting. Players control soldiers, archers, molotov-throwing dwarves, and other fighters to defeat the undead armies of the Fallen Lords. There are several types of
The true Emperor has fallen. We need a real hero, a true Lord who can unite the Kingdoms. Recruit heroes from various backgrounds, from dwarves and mermaids to dark elves and steampunk robots, and assemble your army in this magical world! Fight and conquer to establish your empire in one...
The true Emperor has fallen. We need a real hero, a true Lord who can unite the Kingdoms. Recruit heroes from various backgrounds, from dwarves and mermaids to dark elves and steampunk robots, and assemble your army in this magical world! Fight and conquer to establish your empire in one...