Acquire and use top-tier armaments as you take on enemies in the Axiom and Umbral realms with our guide to the best Lords of the Fallen weapons available.
Here, we’re going to go over the best builds in Lords of the Fallen that we’ve found so far. Keep in mind that much of this comes from playthroughs we undertook for ourLords of the Fallen review, and as we continue playing more, this list is subject to expansion. If you’re jus...
vying for the attention of a growing, but still niche fan base. Lords of the Fallen (2023) would have to be much more than its predecessor to stand out from the crowd.
This is why the Cults of the Dragon Below are called “The Cults of the Dragon Below” even though a cult of Dyrrn the Corruptor really has nothing in common with a cult of Sul Khatesh; as far as the common people are concerned, they are cults that worship big evil things, and big...