金色丘陵诸领主包括 “蒙面之叶”贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer the Masked Leaf、“狡诈者”巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow the Sly One、“深地兄弟”卡勒杜兰·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands the Deep Brother、“金属大师”弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin the Master of Metal、“金色丘陵之盾”盖尔达尔...
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地底爬行者the Crawler Below 厄尔德连Urdlen 居住在 无底深渊the Abyss 之中,但他已不止一次挖掘隧道到了双生天堂,只是每次都被赶了回去。 The Forgotten Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon or deities known collectively as the Lords of the Golden Hills. They are so named for the region of By...
金色丘陵诸领主包括 “蒙面之叶”贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer the Masked Leaf、“狡诈者”巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow the Sly One、“深地兄弟”卡勒杜兰·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands the Deep Brother、“金属大师”弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin the Master of Metal、“金色丘陵之盾”盖尔达尔...