So, when Yeshua’s disciples asked Him,“Lord, teach us to pray, as John [the Baptist] taught his disciples”(Luke 11:1), they were likely asking for a personalized prayer of principles and petitions important to the Messiah Himself. The Exhortation to the Apostles, by James Tissot (Brook...
Processional Entrance Hymn 1 A psalm of thanksgiving.[cd] Acclaim the Lord[ce] with joy, all the earth;2 serve the Lord[cf] with gladness; enter his presence with songs of joy.3 Proclaim that the Lord is God.[cg] He made us and we are his possession; we are his people, the floc...
“What I liked least about the service itself was the prayers; what I liked far better was the singing. Not all of the hymns could move me. I never liked “Onward, Christian Soldiers” or “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Jesus’ military career has never compelled my belief. I lik...
We know Him well…maybe better…for what we have been through. My boys are growing up with first-hand knowledge of the sufficiency and provision andinfinite careof our Savior. Together, Keith and I might not have been able to teach them as well. I, too, learn to love Him better each ...
led them with unmoistened foot through the Red Sea waters.Singing texts like these with understanding, which takes some work to do, is an education. The Orthodox have a saying: “The best theologian in the Church is the little old lady in the third row.” God can teach, and those who...
“I amHERE WITH YOU.I haveSO MUCH LOVEto give you.So many things to give that youCANNOT FATHOM.If you do not know to speak, I willTEACH YOU.If you feel not enough, I willSATISFY YOU.If you think you are lonely, I will NEVERFORSAKE YOU, and willTAKE YOU UP.If you are heartbro...
when I announced that I would live in a shack with my baby if that’s what it took for me to stay home to raise her, be with her, guard her little heart, feed her healthy foods, kiss her boo boos and teach her to read. So I turned in my resignation, giving up the only real...
when I announced that I would live in a shack with my baby if that’s what it took for me to stay home to raise her, be with her, guard her little heart, feed her healthy foods, kiss her boo boos and teach her to read. So I turned in my resignation, giving up the only real...
How can he teach it if he does not know it? A church is to teach new believers, and all members of the church are to work together as a spiritual body “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till “the church all...
30After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. -How is Christ represented in observances of both the Passover and the Lord’s Supper? JESUS LED HIS DISCIPLES TO THE MOUNT OF OLIVES TO PRAY IN THE GARDEN OFGETHESEMANE. ...