Next year his paper on "Resonance" appeared, and this was the forerunner of a long series of experimental and theoretical papers on vibrations in general, which, when embodied in his "Theory of Sound," made that work unique.C. H. L....
瑞利原名约翰·威廉·斯特拉特(John William Strutt),尊称瑞利男爵三世(Third Baron Rayleigh),1842年11⽉12⽇出⽣于英国埃塞克斯郡莫尔登(Malden)的朗弗德林园。他的⽗亲是第⼆世男爵约翰·詹姆斯·斯特拉特,母亲叫克拉腊·伊丽莎⽩·拉图哲,是理查德·维卡斯海军上校的⼩⼥⼉。出⾝名望贵族的...
Lord Rayleigh and The Theory Of Sound Along with his other concerns, Rayleigh turned his attention to the physics of acoustics. He published hisTheory of Soundin 1877/78. Building on the work ofHelmholtz, published in German 15 years earlier, Rayleigh defined the principles of the propagation, ...
“The Theory of Sound” Show More Lord Rayleigh(born November 12, 1842, LangfordGrove,Maldon,Essex, England—died June 30, 1919, Terling Place, Witham, Essex) was an English physical scientist who made fundamental discoveries in the fields ofacousticsandopticsthat are basic to the theory ofwave...
Rayleigh’s research on the theory of vibrations was systematized in his fundamental workThe Theory of Sound(two vols., 1877–78; 2nd ed., 1894–96), where for the first time there was clearly delineated a unified approach to the study of vibratory and wave processes that differ in nature...
Lord Rayleigh, the Man and his Work R B LindsayOxford: Pergamon Press1970ppviii + 251price£2 5s (cloth) £1 10s (paper)It is sometimes said that whenever anyone thinks he has made a discovery in theoretical physics, he should go and readThe Theory of Soundto make sure... Cook,A...
Volume 2, Number 1.A New Lord of Education?World Bank ... FJ Morrison,C Lord,DP Keating - 《Applied Developmental Psychology》 被引量: 13发表: 1984年 The Theory of Sound 2 Volume Set Volume 1: Preface; 1. Sound due to vibrations; 2. Composition of harmonic motions of like period; ...
that is, using equipartition among the normal modes of the electromagnetic field in the “black” cavity at temperature T, gives the following dependence, Rayleigh–Jeans law (1900), of the spectral energy density u(ν, T), on frequency ν and temperature T (c is the speed of light in ...
Lord Rayleigh, English physical scientist who made fundamental discoveries in the fields of acoustics and optics that are basic to the theory of wave propagation in fluids. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1904 for his successful isolation of a
Lord Rayleigh(born November 12, 1842, Langford Grove, Maldon, Essex, England—died June 30, 1919, Terling Place, Witham, Essex) was an English physical scientist who made fundamental discoveries in the fields ofacoustics and optics that are basic to the theory ofwave propagation in fluids. He...