The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Ring: Directed by Keith Arem, Ed Del Castillo. With Dominic Armato, Steve Blum, Robin Atkin Downes, Crispin Freeman. Based on Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. The player chooses either the good campaign or evil camp
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Directed by Peter Jackson. With Alan Howard, Noel Appleby, Sean Astin, Sala Baker. A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-
肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 演员 饰Boromir 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 演员 丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler 演员 饰Barliman Butt... 阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 演员 饰The Ring (voi... 诺儿·阿普比 Noel Appleby 演员 饰Everard Proud... 萨拉·贝克 Sala Baker 演员 饰Sauron 机构...
The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring 指环王:护戒战争的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
电影简介:《指环王:护戒使者》The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring是根据J·R·R·托尔金的奇幻同名小说改编而成的,也是《指环王三部曲》系列电影中的第一部电影讲述了在古老的中土世界,弗罗多在忠实的伙伴山姆、梅利和...
1 2 下一页 尾页 16回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回指环王吧Lord of the Rings 和Lord of the Ring 的区别 只看楼主收藏回复 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_005M3DZ馃惥 庆生之宴 1 个人认为Lord of the Rings 指The One Ring Lord of the Ring 指Sauron送...
注意:Lord of the Rings: War in the North 已在 Steam 停售。 关于这款游戏 The Lord of the Rings: War in the North is a co-op Action RPG that immerses you and your friends in a brutal new chapter in the War of the Ring. Snowblind Studios is in the unique position of drawing inspi...
指环王 The Lord of the Rings (1978)完整中英文台词剧本.docx,指环王 The Lord of the Rings (1978)完整中英文台词剧本 Long ago... the early years of the Second Age... ...the great Elven-smiths forged Rings of Power. Nine for mortal Men. Seven for the Dw
【简介】the Lo..承蒙@我爱秀一 和译林出版社的友情赠送,加之我的四处求购,我有幸搜集到了自《魔戒》上映以来,译林出版社所出版的全部六套《魔戒》。再通过其他一些求知途径,我对the Lord of the Rings