Among the loot and treasures you may find in your adventures, there are books. These books, also known as lore texts, can contain flowery poems, tricky riddles, cooking recipes, journals of adventurers, stories of heroes and long lost Elven realms, and m
Legacy Renewed The Lord of the Rings Mod has been through many updates since its first release in February 2013. Some of these updates were large, others small. Some were focused on one aspect of the Mod, while others were more "general" updates. Below i
Legacy Renewed On April 10th 2020, it was officially announced that the Lord of the Rings Mod will be gradually ported to 1.15 (and newer versions of Minecraft as they come out) alongside the release of Update 36 for 1.7.10 (which is the last major updat
This article is about the biome. For the faction, look here. Lindon is a coastal biome where the Elves of Lindon spawn. It is a fair land of green, rolling hills and costal plains. Lindon, along with Rivendell and Lórien, is one of the few realms that S
–The Lord of the Rings, The Bridge of Khazad-dûm“ And in Utumno [Melkor] gathered his demons about him, those spirits who first adhered to him in the days of his splendour, and became most like him in his corruption: their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness,...
Note that Renewed redirects here. The Lord of the Rings Mod Renewed is a version of the Lord of the Rings Mod that is being ported to run on Minecraft 1.16, as opposed to the 1.7.10 version that the mod currently runs on. Over the next several months (fo
“ Forty leagues it stretched from the Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge, and fifty from the northern moors to the marshes in the south. The Hobbits named it the Shire [...] and there in that pleasant corner of the world they plied their well ordered business of living [...]. ”...
This page is about what NPCs say to you. If you are having difficulty understanding what your buddies write in the chat, you are likely looking for Drunken Speech. Please note: in the Renewed version of the mod, NPCs use a far more complex speech system
Durnor is a gem which can be obtained by mining Durnor ore in Mordor. When mined, the ore will drop 1-2 of these gems. Durnor has fiery properties, and in Mordor it is somewhat analogous to coal. Durnor gems can be crafted into Durnor Blocks for storage.
The Harnennor Farmhands are laborers helping Harnennor farmers in the farms of Harnennor. They will help you too if you hire them from the Harnennor Farmer. This is one of the hirable units intended for automatic farms. For more information, take a look