Book:These events, most occurring some 3000 years before the main story ofThe Lord of the Rings, are merely discussed by the books’ characters. Galadriel’s voice-over dialog was written for the films and does not appear in Tolkien’s writing. Prod:The story needs to relate a lot of ba...
Among the loot and treasures you may find in your adventures, there are books. These books, also known as lore texts, can contain flowery poems, tricky riddles, cooking recipes, journals of adventurers, stories of heroes and long lost Elven realms, and m
p.xxix: Stanley Unwin…was still studying the problem of howThe Lord of the Ringsmight be published. To print 2,500 copies in two large volumes, each of 1392 pages, It appears Unwin’s estimation was for bothLRandThe Silmarillion, each containing 0.6 million words. PublishedLRhad 0.5 millio...
副标题: "THE LORD OF THE RINGS" Part Three 页数: 544 出版社: Ballantine Books 出版年: 1973 第10页 Chapter 1. Minas Tirith 'It is,' said Gandalf. 'One of the twain. The other is with Thjoden of Rohan and may come hereafter. Halflings they are, as you see, yet this is not he...
The latest news coming from American video game publisher Private Division will likely make Lord of the Rings fans rejoice. The publishing label, under Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.
If you're not currently up-to-date with the main source material in the official books, do consider staying away from the page for non-spoiler sake until you actually read it first ahead of time.Unknown Intruder, this article requires your contribution to the Overlord Fandom!It is clearly ...
Background on Bag End: My name is Maddie Chambers/Brindley and this all began when I was a young child and read the Hobbit for the first time. I believe I was about 10 and I was instantly hooked. My Nanan lent me her copy of the Lord of the Rings about 1
“cover price” of books is largely doesn’t matter–books actually sell for the price of a credit in an Audible subscription. Authors can never raise prices alongside inflation. An Audible credit costs the same as it did almost two decades ago–with no incentive for Audible to raise it, ...
It is known to all of the wise (in hobbitlore) that Westmarch was only one of many population centers in the Northwest of Middle Earth. Bree, Buckland, Hobbiton/Bywater, Tuckborough, and several others in fact predated the settlement at Westmarch, and were not eclipsed by it until later...
American Museum of Natural History Bears Berardius Carnivorans Cartilaginous Fishes Cephalopoda Cetaceans Coelacanthimorpha Cryptozoology Harvard Museum of Natural History Hemichordata Ichthyosaurs Mammals Mesoplodon Picture of the Day Roger Williams Park Zoo ...