My Lord of The Rings “一枚戒指 ,统领众戒,尽归罗网;一枚戒指,禁锢众戒,昏暗无光,魔多大地黑影憧憧。”这就是刻在黑魔王索伦亲手铸造的,属于他的至尊魔戒上的一句咒语。在拥有者念出它时,咒语的邪恶魔力就会开启。在制作至尊魔戒时,索伦将大部分魔力倾注其中,使拥有它的人掌握着超常的力量和永恒的生命。但...
5. Rohan铁骑才是中土第一战力,不接受反驳;打完Helm’s deep就长途奔袭解围Gondor,在Pelennor血战后又冲到Black Gate自杀式袭击,骑兵就是那个时代的装甲洪流. Eomer就是全书第一铁血猛将,还没有Aragorn那些怪力乱神的天赋点加成. 6. Theoden王领军东行在我看来是全书最有王者风范的部分;作者此前此后花了许多的笔...
The Ring and the Cross: Christianity and The Lord of the Rings.(Book review)Sims, Harley J
The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All.(Book review)Hutton, Clark
Book review of Kristin Thompson, The Frodo Franchise: The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood (University of California Press, 2007)Leibiger, Carol A
1.The Lord of the Rings《指环王》(魔戒)开创了奇幻小说的先河,以神话的思维阐释了现实世界,跨越了时代,创造新的文学类别,不可不看; 2.英国原版,文字通俗易懂,是一部不错的课外补充读物; 3.除英语外,作者还创作了庞大复杂的新语言体系,如精灵语、兽人语等,语言爱好者必读; 4.封面由作者J.R.R.托尔金亲自...
The first of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic Lord of the Rings audiobook trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring sets the stage for one hobbit’s struggle for the fate of Middle Earth. While its prequel,The Hobbit, was originally written for children,The Fellowship of the Ringdoes not limit the...
Big Review: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Action, 12A, 179 MinsRead the full-text online article and more details about "Big Review: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Action, 12A, 179 Mins" - The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland), December 13, 2002...
My analysis of Lord of the RingsWrite a Book Review
摘要: The Washington Post reports a surge in Bible sales. The fantasy adventure The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is the most popular film of the holiday season. Is there a connection? Can mythology, or fairy tales, lead us to faith?