00 remade the faker X vessel sprites 01:46 Vs Burned Sonic - Meet Your Maker | Friday Night Funkin' 03:30 Vs Sonic exe Restored Alt week 10:21 SONIC.EXE: ANNIVERSARY TEASERS丨LORD X, PIZZA TOWER,SUNKY,SANIC,MAJIN SONIC 12:25 Fallen Angel | FNF Sonic.EXE Soul Knuckles Fan-made Song ...
堂堂北征军指挥官 了不起的荒原战士 Commander of the Northern Armies. Warrior of the Wastelands. 我还以为你会蓬头垢面 满身污泥的出现呢 I half expected you to arrive caked in grime and mud. 这次是冻伤和食人妖的血 This time, frostbite and troll blood. 手下还跑了 And no army. 跟我说说 ...
remade the faker X vessel sprites 01:46 Vs Burned Sonic - Meet Your Maker | Friday Night Funkin' 03:30 Vs Sonic exe Restored Alt week 10:21 SONIC.EXE: ANNIVERSARY TEASERS丨LORD X, PIZZA TOWER,SUNKY,SANIC,MAJIN SONIC 12:25 Fallen Angel | FNF Sonic.EXE Soul Knuckles Fan-made Song...