Be tenants of a single breast,Or sorrow such a changeling be?Or cloth she only seem to takeThe touch of change in calm or storm;But knows no more of transient formIn her deep self, than some dead lakeThat holds the shadow of a larkHung in the shadow of a heaven?Or has the shock,...
The touch of change in calm or storm; But knows no more of transient form In her deep self, than some dead lake That holds the shadow of a lark Hung in the shadow of a heaven? Or has the shock, so harshly given, Confused me like the unhappy bark That strikes by night a craggy s...
他的血管如同烂泥般污秽, 但这血却会化成露水, 路德所种植的自由树 会被滋润得技叶青翠 (1) "Song for the Luddites" (A) Main idea This is one of the two poems written by Byron to show his consistent support of the Luddites for whom he made his famous speech in the House of Lords in ...
lecture 2 of book 2 Lord Byron 卓越课程中心32本书主拜伦卓越课程中心3 2讲.0 Lecture 12 Lord Byron Introduction to George Gordon Byron born in an impoverished noble family in London in 1788, a year before the French Revolution. His father was a captain nicknamed Mad Jack, who had squandered...