Story of Lord Krishna’s birth It was a dark time in Mathura when Krishna was born. King Ugrasena is in prison, put there by his evil son Kansa who is unjust and is in constant conflict with the neighbouring Yadu dynasty. In an attempt to expand his kingdom, Kansa marries his sister ...
Krishna (ˈkrɪʃnə) n (Hinduism)Hinduismthe most celebrated of the Hindu deities, whose life story is told in theMahabharata [via Hindi from Sanskrit, literally: dark, black] ˈKrishnaismn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publis...
One day, leaving his family behind, he walked out of the palace to lead a hermit's life the forests. Under the bodhi tree in Gaya he achieved nirvana or eternal peace. He traveled all over India and began spreading his message. Buddhism is the name of the religion that is based on th...
Hanuman Jayanti is observed during different dates in different regions of India. Andhra Pradesh:Hanuman Jayanthi is celebrated for 41-days which starts on Chaitra Poornima and ends on the tenth day during Krishna Paksha in Vaishakha month. In Andhra Pradesh devotees begin 41-days Deeksha on Cha...