supported by a quick woodwind quotation of his theme as he hides under a stony bridge. As the camera pulls back across this iconic location from Tolkien’s writing, I introduce a serene chorale, built from two unrelated major chords followed by surprising minor chords. The singers gently...
Euclid laughed. “I was angry. The airlock blew out and I wet myself waiting for someone to come pick me up.” “When you started singing different lyrics, making them up on the spot, I didn’t follow you at first. But you got the SDC to fire him when the video went viral. That...
I strove to capture the realm’s inherent beauty and serenity, by offering distantly related major chords. To root the realm in pure Elven heritage, the theme borrows musical aspects from other Elven themes in the score: the ethereal children’s choir of the Valinor theme, and the noble oct...