(Hinduism)Hinduismthe most celebrated of the Hindu deities, whose life story is told in theMahabharata [via Hindi from Sanskrit, literally: dark, black] ˈKrishnaismn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
This Ganesha song in Telugu is from the movie Jai Chiranjeeva. This song is always in a loop on Ganesh Chaturthi. When the singer goes‘Jai Jai Ganesha Jai Kodtha Ganesha Jaiyamulu Evvu Bhoja Ganesha’every person who is listening to it would be tapping their feet to the music. This s...
Krishna & Arjuna in Hinduism | 3 Paths to Salvation & Karma Yoga from Chapter 2 / Lesson 6 135K Find out about Krishna and Arjuna, Hindi gods. Learn the concept of salvation in Hinduism via 3 paths of yoga. Understand karma yoga according to the Bhagavad Gita. Related...
According to the belief, it is considered auspicious to worship Goddess Lakshmi withGaneshaonly on the day of Diwali and it is believed that to bring prosperity and happiness at home on Diwali Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha should be worshipped together. ...
Story of Observing Aadi Krithigai As per some beliefs Muruga first appeared on earth on Aadi Krithigai day. Aadi Krithigai in some regions is celebrated to symbolize the victory of good over evil when Murugan slew the demon Surapadman. After the annihilation of the demon, Muruga blessed dev...