Produced by Tom Harris, text provided by Litrix Reading Room. TALES OF THREE HEMISPHERES Lord Dunsany CONTENTS The Last Dream Of Bwona Khubla How the Office of Postman Fell Vacant In Otford-under-the-Wold The Prayer Of Boob Aheera East And West A Pretty
Unique SpecFic Stories This is an alphabetical list of all of Lord Dunsany’s fantasy and science-fiction short stories that each appear in but a single book, plus a list of all of his books containing one or more stories unique to that book (with a count of unique stories in that book...
iReader Public | Plunkett,Edward J. M. D.,Lord Dunsany8.4万字 掌阅公版内容简介:After long and patient research I am still unable to give to the reader of these Chronicles the exact date of the times that they tell of. W ...目录14章查看目录...
the River Yann—but we must not over-emphasize Dunsany the name-coiner, lest we eventually come to think of him as merely a clever fellow with a trick; he is a master of the English language, no less.
Collected Works of Lord Dunsany 装帧 Hardcover 定价 USD 23.99 作者 Lord Dunsany 出版社 BiblioLife 出版日期 2008-08-18 ISBN 9780554371191 目录 1基本简介 折叠编辑本段基本简介 温馨提示:这是一本按需印刷的图书。按需印刷的图书多由收藏版的旧书重印而成,书中可能会出现...