从其中一个Arduino开发板上发送数据并在另一个板上接收数据。我们将在发送端使用Arduino Nano,在接收端...
该项目演示了 LoRa RA-02 模块的基本用法。确保检查频段,因为它因国家/地区而异。 我们将使用 LoRa RA-02 将温度传感器读取的温度值从 Arduino UNO 传输到另一个 Arduino UNO,并显示在串行监视器上。值将以 5 秒的间隔传输。 LoRa RA-02 模块有两种可用形式 - SMD 形式和分线板形式 我会推荐(并使用)分...
让我们首先设置发射器部分。发射器部分包含Arduino Nano开发板、DHT11温湿度传感器和LoRa SX1278模块。电路...
Hi...I am using Arduino Uno, SX1278 LoRa Ra02 433MHz module and 433MHz antennas to send message to a receiver which has the same hardware. Sender is sending just one packet then stops(receiver takes the only message in good RSSI).What kind of loop or code can use to make sender to...
Hi...I am using Arduino Uno, SX1278 LoRa Ra02 433MHz module and 433MHz antennas to send message to a receiver which has the same hardware. Sender is sending just one packet then stops(receiver takes the only message in good RSSI).What kind of loop or code can use to make sender to...
LoRa (433MHz) Module: Ra-02 (by Ai-Thinker) Series Communication Protocol: SPI Universal Perboard Working Frequency: 433 MHz Supports FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRa ™ and OOK modulation modes Receive sensitivity: lowest to -141 dBm Programmable bit rate up to 300Kbps Build-in PCB Antenna ...
Arduino: Int到字节数组 、、、 我想在lora上发送一个整数(数据包总数)。我想使用前10个字节来存储这个整数。所以对于522,总共10个字节中的前3个字节是53,50和50。后面是7个零。在此之后,我将有代表我的有效负载的字节。length) { String sPt = String(iPt); sPt.toCharArray(aPt, 10);LoRa.write(aPt,...
To add lorawan I think the best course of action is to port a working arduino lib or a python lib to micropython. I am not using Lorawan (too complex for a private network IMHO), I just have a use case with several nodes and one receiver; I added on top a simple layer which do...
-DARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32)The string which resembles your board name — without the preceding -D— is the wanted define (e.g. ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32).This can be used by the C++ preprocessor to select board specific code, e.g.#if defined(ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32) // Put Adafruit Feather ...
lo-ra-master.zip 上传者:m0_64879847时间:2023-08-01 arduino-LoRa-source.zip_U54_arduino code_arduino lora_lora ardui this is soure code for arduino - lora 上传者:weixin_42657024时间:2022-07-14 Arduino-TinyLoRa.zip Arduino-TinyLoRa.zip,罗拉旺图书馆,Arduino是一家开源软硬件公司和制造商社区。