In, an RNase III enzyme Dicer-2 (Dcr-2), aided by its cofactor Loquacious-PD (Loqs-PD), has an important role in generating 21bp siRNA duplexes from long double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs). ATP hydrolysis by the helicase domain of Dcr-2 is critical to the successful processing of a long ...
R2D2和Loqs异构体D (Loqs- pd)有两个A型dsrbd,作为dmdcr -2的伴侣蛋白。一般认为,DmDcr-2产生两种siRNA,一种是防御病毒的外siRNA,另一种是保护基因组完整性免受转座元件严重威胁的内siRNA(或esiRNAs)。在dsRNA底物的切割过程中,DmDcr-2被观察到多种构象状态,包括易位状态、主动切割状态和切割后状态等。lo...
2023年 8月 26日,复旦大学生命科学学院麻锦彪教授与 清华大学生命科学学院王家博士 在《自然 -通讯》( Nature Communications)杂志上在线发表题为“ R2D2和 Loqs-PD协同调节 DmDcr-2寡聚体的结构机制”( Structural mechanism of R2D2 and Loqs-PD synergisti 该研究通过解析了包括Dicer-2-Loqs-PD单独蛋白,以及Dicer-2–Loqs-PD在有无ATP的情况下结合dsRNA的6套冷冻电镜结构,结合生化实验分析,首次揭示了Dicer-2-Loqs-PD复合物结合并切割双链RNA产生siRNA的依赖ATP的加工循环分子机制,解决了20多年困扰小干扰RNA领域...
惠州市博西片区136667亩国有红本工业用地出售 ①国有证红本一类 工业建设用地 ②占地205亩面积136667平方米 ③有不动产权证建设规划许可证 ④土地容积率 1.6 随时可报建厂 ⑤土地使用限 2075 年初期终止 ⑥报价 1...
该工作发现Loqs-PD与R2D2可以与Dicer2形成稳定的三元复合物,并且在dsRNA和ATP存在的条件下形成寡聚体,并通过冷冻电镜技术揭示了该寡聚体的高分辨率结构,这对于更加深入理解果蝇体内RNA干扰通路具有重要意义。 为了模拟Dicer/R2D2/Loqs-PD分别与剪切底物和产物的相互作用方式,该研究工作分别报道了该蛋白复合物与50bp的...
During the maturation of siRNAs, two cofactors can regulate DmDcr-2's functions: Loqs-PD that is required for dsRNA processing, and R2D2 that is essential for the subsequent loading of siRNAs into effector Ago2 to form RISC complexes. However, due to the lack of structural information, it ...
Our structural and biochemical results reveal that ATP is essential for the cleavage of esiRNAs by the Dcr-2/Loqs-PD complex, a process analogous to the cleavage of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). When Loqs-PD is present, pre-esiRNAs are preferentially loaded onto the Helicase domain of Dcr-...
vsiRNA abundance is dependent on Dcr-2 but not Loqs-PD.Joao, Trindade MarquesJiPing, WangXiaohong, WangCatherine, GaoNadereh, JafariRichard, W. Carthew
R2D2 but not Loqs-PD is required for defense against RNA viruses in Drosophila.Joao, Trindade MarquesJiPing, WangXiaohong, WangCatherine, GaoNadereh, JafariRichard, W. Carthew