声明:本帖与MCBBS帖子:http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-516745-1-1.html系同一作者,本人MCBBS账号为乾.坤,请勿混淆。正文:大家好,我是The Minecraft Lover小组的乾坤,LootTable在43c又有了一些改进,我就来概述一下新的内容以及关于它的具体运用。 送TA礼物 1楼2015-10-28 20:02回复 ...
Basic Loot TableTo begin, let's create something fairly simple: A loot table that returns a single diamond when it's called.JSON Копирај { "pools": [ { "rolls": 1, "entries": [ { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:diamond" } ] } ] } ...
This is a list of objects the game will select from in this roll. It can be an item, a loot_table, or empty if you want a chance of nothing happening this roll.There are five categories of loot tables in Vanilla Minecraft: Blocks, chests, entities, equipment, and gameplay.What...
{"type":"item","name":"minecraft:stone","weight":1,"functions": [ {"function":"set_actor_id","id":"sample:cool_entity"} ] } You can also inherit the entity ID of the entity that's associated with that loot table (i.e., make a rabbit drop a rabbit spawn egg) by omitting ...
The NBT tag of mobs DeathLootTableSeed can only affect the loot when the mob actually dies. However when you use "/loot kill" command on the mob, the loot is still random instead of fixed.How to reproduceSummon a sheep with a certain loot table seed: /summon minecraft:sheep ~ ~ ~...
{"type":"item","name":"minecraft:stone","weight":1,"functions": [ {"function":"set_actor_id","id":"sample:cool_entity"} ] } You can also inherit the entity ID of the entity that's associated with that loot table (i.e., make a rabbit drop a rabbit spawn egg) by omitting ...
注释中提到的Forge是一个用于修改和扩展Minecraft的模组,它在ServerPlayerGameMode#destroyBlock方法中处理了经验值的掉落。 }//定义了一个公共的、静态的方法getDrops,它接受四个参数:一个BlockState类型的参数,一个ServerLevel类型的参数,一个BlockPos类型的参数,以及一个可以为null的BlockEntity类型的参数。这个方法...
Add BiomeMode and BlackList config. Please comment on this mod if you have any suggestions for improvement of it. The list of possible loot table includes: Jungle Temple Woodland Mansion Simple Dungeon Stronghold Library Ruined Portal Desert Pyramid ...
Chests with the minecraft:chests/trial_chambers/reward loot table (which can be located in minecraft:trial_chambers/hallway/rubble) can contain unique item of vaults, such as the Bolt armor trim, the Precipice music disc and the Guster banner pattern. Steps to reproduce: Run /give @s chest...