It's lose weight, not loose weight. Loose and lose are confused because of the inconsistencies in English pronunciation. Loose means not tight (e.g., loose dress, dog on the loose). Lose means fail to keep or win (e.g., lose weight, lose a game).
Lose /luz/ 失败、丢失、失去(能力) Let's start with "lose," which is a verb. "Lose" has many meanings. Today, I will tell you about three. 我们先从动词lose开始讲起。lose有很多含义,今天,我将告诉你其中三个。 It can mean "to fail to win," such ...
The airline might lose my luggage again. In a competitive context, lose is the opposite of win and means “to be defeated,” such as in a game or an election: I hope my team doesn’t lose in the finals. The candidate was worried that they might lose the upcoming election if they ...
After losingthe game, he decided he needed to loosen up by watching TV instead of getting stressed out.输了这场比赛后,他决定看电视放松一下,而不是被压力搞得筋疲力尽。Michael decided to start running in order to loseweight, but he had a loose grasp on maintaining a routine and didn’t...
of or to fail to keep possession of something. It can also mean failing to win or being defeated in a competition or contest. For example, if you lose your keys (which I do all the time), you no longer have them in your possession, and if you lose a game, you are not the ...
我们先从动词lose开始讲起。lose有很多含义,今天,我将告诉你其中三个。 It can mean "to fail to win," such as a game or competition: 它可以表示“没有赢”,以比赛或竞赛为例: We lost the tennis game last night. Better luck next week. ...
"Lose" has many meanings. 我们先来看“lose”,它是一个动词。“lose”有多种含义。 Today, I will tell you about three. 今天,我会给你讲其中3种含义。 It can mean "to fail to win," such as a game or competition: 它可以表示“未能获胜,”例如在一场比赛中: We lost the tennis game last...
我们先来看“lose”,它是一个动词。“lose”有多种含义。 Today, I will tell you about three. 今天,我会给你讲其中3种含义。 It can mean "to fail to win," such as a game or competition: 它可以表示“未能获胜,”例如在一场比赛中:
Try to remain calm and notlose your temper.Become angry Yasmin willlose her mindwhen she finds out that you lost her pet cat.Act in an irrational or unbalanced manner Looser or loser Loseris anounused to describe a person who loses a game or competition. It’s the opposite of “winner....