They fell from the skylight over the stairs and onto the baby blue carpet. Their wings looked like black lace. The ladybug that landed on me that day had three dots on each side, symmetric, so it was good luck. Make a wish, I told him, holding it out on the bud of my finger....
在高跟鞋上楼梯走到铺着地毯的地板(walk in high heels up stairs to carpeted floor) [800] 综合音效库 - 拟音/脚步(footstep)/高跟鞋(high heel) 在草地上行走(walk on grass) [800] 综合音效库 - 拟音/脚步(footstep)/草(grass) 赤脚跑在大理石地板上(running barefoot on marble floor) ...
爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的[1]_9s_:pick up papers and leaf through;[2]_19s_:shuffle loose papers;[3]_6s_:large page turn and handle;[4]_12s_:shuffle and move papers and other items on desk;[5]_32s_:paper flip and handling movement;[6]_41s_...