a loose body is with an MRI. When the loose body is just cartilage or in the case of synovial chondromatosis, an MRI is the best non-radiation diagnostic tool to assess the whole knee joint. It is a useful preoperative tool to see the size, number, and location of the loose bodies....
Loose bodies in the knee joint – A recapitulation of endochondral ossificationIn 2007, four patients where implanted with the Restoreneurostimulation system for intractable chronic leg pain at the Poitiers Hospital. The potential for improving the patients' quality of life and medical-economic concerns...
The loose body will be removed from the joint using a surgical instrumentcalled a grasper. 使用叫作钳子的手术器械将游离体从关节内去除。 End of Procedure(手术结束) After all the loose bodies are removed from the joint the procedure...
THE ÆTIOLOGY OF LOOSE BODIES IN THE KNEE-JOINTantioxidantespouletfosfolipidospeso corporalpoids corporellipidosgain de poidsganancia de pesochickensmetabolismeThe letters of St. Paul to seven churches and three friends : with the letter to the Hebrews translated by Arthur S. Way Macmillan, 1921...
AIM: To evaluate and analyze the morphological property and physiological activity of cartilaginous loose bodies in the knee joint, to research the changeable mechanism of histological morphous and physiological function. METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the Department of Pathology of the First ...
loose bodies Small pieces of bone or of theCARTILAGEbearing surface of joints that have become detached and may interfere with the smooth functioning of the joint. They are a feature ofOSTEOARTHRITIS. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005 ...
Background: Loose bodies (LBs) within the knee joint are commonly encountered during clinical practice and are frequently observed during knee arthroscopy. The primary treatment involves the removal of loose bodies; however, their complete eradication is often challenging and may not address underlying ...
网络释义 1. 关节游离体 膝关节游离体,loos... ... ) Adult cadaveric knee 离体人膝关节 )joint loose bodies关节游离体) Knee prosthesis 膝关节假体 ... www.dictall.com|基于 1 个网页
Synonyms for loose body in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for loose body. 188 synonyms for body: physique, build, form, figure, shape, make-up, frame, constitution, flesh and bones, torso, middle, chest, stomach, trunk, corpse... What are synonyms for loose b
However, it is often technically demanding to find and remove loose bodies located at the posterior compartment of the knee joint arthroscopically. We present the technical aspects of arthroscopic removal of the loose bodies located in the posterior compartment of the knee joint. Loose bodies at ...