In this article, we will cover the basics of for loops in Bash and show you how to use the break and continue statements to alter the flow of a loop.
for FILE in * do ## if [[ "$FILE" == *"cnp_"* ]] then echo 'cnp_* file found; skipping' continue fi ## rest of script done Output: cnp_* file found; skipping --- FILE: 1 | NAME: li...
fileName stores the name of each file while newFileName will be used to store each file name through the directory. If Right(path, 1) <> “\” Then path = path & “\” checks if the path ends with a “\” character. If not, it appends it to the end of the path string. ...
Bash For Loop with Ranges Example Additionally, we can include a value at the end of the range that is going to cause thefor loopto iterate through the values in incremental steps. The following bash script prints the values between 1 and 7 with 2 incremental steps between the values starti...
file or directory rm: cannot remove '/etc/pam.d/xrdp-sesman': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/etc/sysconfig/xrdp': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/etc/xrdp': Is a directory rm: cannot remove '/etc/xrdp/km-00000406.ini': No such file or directory rm:...
/bin/bash # For loop with files for f in *.sh do echo $f done The script searches through the current directory and lists all files with the.shextension. Loop through files or directories to automatically rename or change permissions for multiple elements at once....
Example 2: How to Check next 5 CPU Load Average using Bash For Loop in Linux If you want to check next 5 CPU Load Average using bash for loop in Linux then you need to loop through each of the sequence from 1 to 5 and display the load average usingcat /proc/loadavgfor every seque...
Usage of * in the bash for loop is similar to the file globbing that we use in the linux command line when we use ls command (and other commands). For example, the following will display all the files and directories under your home directory. This is the concept that is used in the...
Note this is a bug report, but the built-in dialog for bug reports was broken. Behaviour Expected vs. Actual Tests used to run when I clicked the play button in the test explorer but sometime within the last few weeks the whole integrati...
$ This time when you run the code, you will see that there will be no output in the terminal. This is because the code is outputting everything to the text file. A text file would have been created in the same directory. ...