Here is an example of an SQL procedure that contains a LOOP statement. It also uses the ITERATE and LEAVE statements. CREATE PROCEDURE ITERATOR() LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_deptno CHAR(3); DECLARE v_deptname VARCHAR(29); DECLARE at_end INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE not_found CONDITION FOR...
在PL/SQL中可以使用LOOP语句对数据进行循环处理,利用该语句可以循环执行指定的语句序列。常用的LOOP循环语句包含3种形式:基本的LOOP、WHILE...LOOP和FOR...LOOP。 LOOP语句的基本语法结构如下: [<>]LOOPstatement...ENDLOOP[label_name]【语法说明】<>:LOOP结构的标签,是可选项。LOOP:LOOP循环开始标志。 statement...
LOOP:LOOP循环开始标志。 statement:LOOP语句中循环执行的语句序列。 END LOOP:LOOP循环结束标志,可以添加LOOP结构的标签。 1.基本的LOOP语句 实例:要求声明变量,每次循环都需要为变量增加数字1,并输出结果。当变量值大于3时,退出循环操作。 a、利用EXIT...WHEN结束循环操作。 SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> --...
1[<>]WHILE boolean_expression2LOOP3statement...4END LOOP [label_name];5【语法说明】6boolean_expression:布尔表达式。7statement:语句序列,当boolean_expression为TRUE时,该语句序列可获得执行权。 c、WHILE...LOOP结构 1SQL> --while...loop2SQL>declare32 v_rlt number(8):=-3;43begin54 <<while_lo...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the PL/pgSQL loop statement that executes a block of code repeatedly. Introduction to PL/pgSQL Loop statement The loop defines an unconditional loop that executes a block of code repeatedly until terminated by an exit or return statement. The fo...
Introduction to PL/SQL FOR LOOP statement PL/SQLFOR LOOPexecutes a sequence of statements a specified number of times. The PL/SQLFOR LOOPstatement has the following structure: FOR index IN lower_bound .. upper_bound LOOP statements;ENDLOOP;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) ...
MySQL provides loop statements that allow you to execute a block of SQL code repeatedly based on a condition. There are three loop statements in MySQL:WHILE,REPEATandLOOP. We will examine each statement in more detail in the following section. ...
I know some sort of loop would do this, but I'm unsure how to get it to say OR in between the values, but not after the final value or before the first value. I also can use a foreach statement and was thinking this could be used but I'm not sure. ...
WHILE -根据条件循环 FOR -固定次数的循环 create table T_TEST ( id number(5), num number(10) ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LOOP 语法 LOOP sequence_of_statements END LOOP; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 示例 DECLARE v_count NUMBER(5):=1; v_num NUMBER(10):=100; ...
FOR index IN low..high LOOP sql_statement; END LOOP; index是一个变量,low和high是范围。在每次循环中,index的值会逐渐增加,从low增加到high。在循环体中,可以通过index变量访问当前的循环次数。 例如,我们希望插入10行数据到一个名为numbers的表中。一个可能的for loop实现如下: ...