We created atestfolder usingmkdirand created five files inside it using thetouchcommand. Loop Over Directory Let’s loop over the newly createdtestdirectory and display the file names inside the directory. We’ll useforloop to do this.
Example 3: Iterating Over Files in a Directory #!/bin/zshforfilein/path/to/directory/*doecho"Processing file:$file"done Example 4: Using Command Substitution #!/bin/zshforuserin$(cut-d:-f1/etc/passwd)doecho"User:$user"done for user in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd): The loop itera...
After running the above command, it will not execute anything, it will simply just hand over the terminal to you to run further commands, as we can see below. Now, for checking whether our directory is successfully created or not, we will go to the files in our system and then move in...
Also, you seems to repeat the loop over all .vcf.gz files twice. It will be probably a little bit more quick to reverse your two loops. Here is an example with parallel and async treatments using bash: #!/bin/bash MAX_PARALLEL_PIDS=4 # adjust regarding your own machin capacity (cpu ...
In this article, we will cover the basics of for loops in Bash and show you how to use the break and continue statements to alter the flow of a loop.
/bin/bash string="Hello, World!" for i in $(seq 0 $((${#string} - 1))); do char="${string:i:1}" echo "Position $i: $char" done In this code, we usedseqwith parameter expansion inside theforloop to iterate over each character in a string:...
‘netcat’ command is used to read and write data over the network using tcp or udp protocol. ‘nc’ command is used in bash to run ‘netcat’ command. The following example shows the use of ‘nc’ command in while loop. Here, the script will try to connect with the port 1234 using...
Aforementioned, Loops are set of commands that a computer executes over and over again until a predefined condition is met. Programmers also have the liberty to break the loop even before the condition is met. Commonly, the Bash For Loop is leveraged for various tasks such as to count files...
In real-time scenarios, you will store some values in arrays and try to loop over the array for further processing. Before understanding how to iterate through an array, you have to understand the behavior of two special variables($@and$*). Both these are special variables that are used to...
Bash For Loop Example Bash For Loop with Ranges In the previous examples, we explicitly listed the values to be iterated by thefor loop, which works just fine. However, you can only imagine how cumbersome and time-consuming a task it would be if you were to iterate over, for example, ...