applied sciences Article Design and Experiment of Wideband Filters Based on Double-Layered Square-Loop Arrays in the F-Band Jun Yang 1 , Yang Yang 1, Peng Wang 1, Guangsheng Deng 1 , Fei Cai 1, Hongbo Lu 1,2 and Zhiping Yin 1,* 1 National Key Laboratory of Advanced Display Technology...
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I.nIcnrceraesaesdedWWinidnEdnEenrgeyrgYyieYldieladndanGdriGdrUidtiUlistialtiisoantiownitwh iCthonCtoinnutionuusoFueseFde-IendM-InanMagane- mageenmt.eEnnte. rEgnieesrg2i0e1s72,01107,,81700,.8[7C0r,odsosRi:1e0f].3390/en10070870. 66.. JJaauucchh,,CC..;;GGllooee,,AA.. SSiimmuull...
cells Article An Autocrine Wnt5a Loop Promotes NF-κB Pathway Activation and Cytokine/Chemokine Secretion in Melanoma Gastón Barbero 1,2, María Victoria Castro 1,2, María Belén Villanueva 1,2, María Josefina Quezada 1,2 , Natalia Brenda Fernández 3,†, Sharon DeMorrow 4,5,6 Pablo ...
44..33.. BBootthh--DDrriivveenn GGrreeeenn IInnnnoovvaattiioonn NNeexxtt,,wweeasassusmume aesiatusaittiuoantiionnwihnichwbhoicthh thbeotmhatnhuefamctaunreurfaacntdutrhere raentadiletrhme arketeagilreerenminakneovgarteioenn einffnoortvsaitniotnheefCfoLrtSsCin. Tthhee CpLroSfiCt.fTuh...
wherTeh∆eUwminedatnusrtbhineedmiffoedreenlcies abectowmebeinntahtieofnreoefsftirresatmorwseincodnsdpeoerddearnddytnhaemwicinsdubsp-meeoddeinlst[h2e8w] aankde sriemgiuolna,teasndwiUn∞d mtuerbaninsethpeowfreeersotruetapmutwaninddtsopweeerdl.oads dynamically for turbulent winds. The model ...
entropy Article Dynamic Analysis and Intelligent Control Strategy for the Internal Thermal Control Fluid Loop of Scientific Experimental Racks in Space Stations Ben-Yuan Cai 1, Hui-Yi Wei 1, Yun-Ze Li 1,2,3,* , Yuan-Yuan Lou 1 and Tong Li 4 1 School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering...
The closed-loop controller (PID) worked well for metering and controlling flow rates precisely, but the tuning of PID parameters should be carefully considered, as it was highly related to the input-output charicteristics of the RRV. If the input-output characteristics of the injection unit ...
cells Article A miR-9-5p/FOXO1/CPEB3 Feed-Forward Loop Drives the Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Hui Hu 1,†, Wei Huang 2,3,†, Hong Zhang 4, Jianye Li 2, Qiong Zhang 1, Ya-Ru Miao 1, Fei-Fei Hu 1, Lu Gan 2, Zhenhong Su 5, Xiangliang Yang 2,* and An-Yuan ...
uu.2iglislT.ts1toshas8oa..e%dgTgTFomhohdSooeReaddvtFFccimSmaahStlRRcaiiaonutcnccltaaahhfltlerceciodunudmlelftaarvhtottieehecmdeeddeffrvrvooiicmcmee tthheesmimmeeuaalsasutiorenemreesnutlstswfoarsth1e1.5204µnnmmanaandnd15440..11µ99mnndmmevwwiceiitsthh, r1e1.s.11p%%ectaaivnneddly2.2....