(computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated synonyms: iteration see more noun the basic pattern of the human fingerprint see more noun an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan) “he's no longer in the loop” see more no...
2 Types of Loop in C 2.1 1. While Loop 2.2 2. Do while loop 2.3 3. For Loop 3 Conclusion -: What is Loop In C Language When we want to run a particular part of a program or a block multiple times, then we use Loop Statements. Meaning that when we want to run any pa...
The meaning of loop loop 15 definitions of the word loop. Verb Move in loops Make a loop in Fly loops, perform a loop Wind around something in coils or loops Fasten or join with a loop Noun Fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords...
For those working in data science, a common approach is to view humans as “human-in-the-loop,” meaning users provide inputs to a system or validate outputs, but their role remains secondary to technology and algorithms. It is worth considering that the complexity and nuanced requir...
Looking for online definition of Hysteresis loop in the Medical Dictionary? Hysteresis loop explanation free. What is Hysteresis loop? Meaning of Hysteresis loop medical term. What does Hysteresis loop mean?
Allamanis and Sutton (2014) sought to find meaning- ful patterns in big code by mining syntactic idioms, code patterns that do capture usage dependencies among mined elements. Although syntactic idioms are more likely to be useful than frequent patterns, data sparsity, exacerbated by the ...
The HITL process is iterative, meaning human feedback continuously informs and improves machine learning models. For example, in a customer service chatbot, human agents may review conversations in which the AI struggles to understand a customer’s request. Based on their feedback, the model is ...
Most notably, humans and AI may not be able to configure and understand what the other entity is meaning to do or achieve, leading to miscommunications, errors, and mistrust. Future work may thus need to study the entity and relationship development of human-in-the-loop and AI as connected...
The relationship that connects the two actuators is causes+, meaning that increases in one actuator lead to increases in the other. It also means that decreases in one actuator lead to decreases in the other; the same causal loop can run in reverse. Suppose a local crime wave (not modeled...
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