SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have small question regarding LOOP ... ENDLOOP statement against SY-SUBRC Check. I have a loop as below: LOOP AT i_vbap WHERE vbeln = i_vbak-vbeln. Some Code ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc <> 0. APPEND i_sdata. CLEAR i_sdata. ENDIF. Is...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Many of you already know to work with For loop in SAP ABAP. However, those who are new to the ABAP 7.4 syntax often struggle at some places to achieve the expected result using new syntax. One of the scenario, I am covering below so that new...
SAP 方法/步骤 1 像图中显示的那样,假设前面的订单编号、发货单、物料凭证编号、发货过账日期、物料代码、物料描述、业务员都相同,只有数量、金额不同 2 先定义表结构,一定要将数量、金额放到最后定义,这样是为了方便后面使用AT END OF 最后字段X.3 在ABAP开发过程中,将查询出的所有数据放到临时表 lt_msegc...
ABAP LOOP statementenables developers to iterate in an ABAP internal table.ABAP Loop commandenhancementsAt NewandAt Endprovide additional functions for SAP developers like identifying the start and end of a group or partition according to a field in a sorted internal table. While using ABAP LOOP s...
原文出处: 原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP 优化LOOP循环的一点点建议 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 如果有多层的LOOP嵌套循环 会非常影响程序的运行效率 如何提高LOOP的执行效率 请在里面的LOOP中的内表修改...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Ranjith, According to performance we should not use SELECT statement inside the LOOP statement. Because for each iteration we hit the database inside the LOOP statement. it is good to fetch the data at once and process the data using Internal table. U...
SAP ABAP 小问题 028---LOOP循环中的CONTINUE问题 王姐姐不要啊 编辑于 2023年04月20日 17:40 收录于文集 SAP ABAP小问题 · 49篇 SAPABAP 评论 赞与转发
If you use a LOOP AT statement with a WHERE clause in SAP ABAP, the table whole will be read through and not only the entries that satisfies the WHERE clause. This can lead to performance problems when a very large internal table is read many times with
SAP ABAP新语法之LOOP GROUP BY 通过下面3个实例代码来理解 LOOP GROUP BY 例子1 测试代码及运行结果如下 REPORT ZENG_T01. TYPES: BEGIN OF struct, key1 TYPE string, key2 TYPE string, col TYPE i, END OF struct, itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF struct WITH EMPTY KEY....
在 SAP ABAP 开发中,LOOP AT SCREEN 是一个强大的语句,用于在屏幕处理过程(PBO - Process Before Output 和 PAI - Process After Input)中遍历当前 Dynpro 屏幕上的所有屏幕元素。这个语句允许开发者在运行时动态地访问和修改这些屏幕元素的属性,例如字段的可见性、活跃性、必填性等。 这意味着,通过使用 LOOP...